2021 Reading & Media List

2021 Reading & Media List

2021 AprilThe Strangest Secret - Earl NightingaleTai Lopez - Copywriting Course (in progress)Tai Lopez - 67 Steps (in progress)The Richest Man in Babylon - George S ClasonSell Like Crazy - Sabry Subi Create Your Own Economy - Bob Proctor 2021 MayTai Lopez - 67 Steps...

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Why I Ditched My Cell Phone: 6 MONTH UPDATE

Why I Ditched My Cell Phone: 6 MONTH UPDATE

Back in February I decided to cancel my cellular telephone plan with the reasoning that I didn't really NEED it.  I mean it's convenient to look stuff up and text people but is it really worth the $70 / month cost? Not That Big Of A Deal Well 6 months later and I can...

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